Welcome to the Bruce T. Halle Assistance Fund
The Fund is intended to provide basic assistance to our people who incur extraordinary expenses, damages or losses as the result of disasters or other emergency hardship situations. Emergency hardship may be attributable to illness, death, accident or other personal events, but not to debt or financial mismanagement.
Our Mission
The Bruce T. Halle Assistance Fund exists to care for and provide our people with confidential relief during unforeseen hardships, by raising awareness and promoting contributions to the fund, in a manner reflecting the values, compassion, and integrity of our organization and our founder.
In general, assistance from the Fund is designed to have an immediate impact that would make a difference in the situation of the employee. Assistance may be granted for:
- Basic necessities such as shelter, food, clothing while in transition from a disaster, fire, storm or injury
- Medical bills for life-threatening illness or emergency treatment above what insurance covers
- Airfare related to death or serious illness of a family member
- Other, similar circumstances
The Bruce T. Halle Assistance Fund is a tax exempt organization and we cannot make employee assistance grants based on hardship related to poor financial planning, unsuccessful personal investments, or financial issues related to fluctuations in the economy, etc.